OCT 28-29, 2019
Institut Pasteur, Paris, France

Trypanosomatid Parasites Meeting VI: From the lab to the field
by AL. Bañuls (IRD), F. Bringaud (CNRS), L. Kohl (MNHN) & B. Rotureau (IP)

The next Trypanosomatid Parasites Meeting will start on Monday 28th October at 9:30am and will continue until Tuesday 29th at 4:30pm.

In order to cover a large panel of research topics, a total of 6 sessions are planned. Each session will be composed of an invited keynote presentation followed by 4 selected talks:

– Epidemiology, Public Health and Epistemology: Marleen BOELAERT (ITM, Antwerp, Belgium)

– Diagnosis, Drug and Vaccine Development: Veerle LEJON (IRD, Montpellier, France)

– Ecology and Medical Entomology: Steve TOR (LSTM, Liverpool, UK)

– Immunology and Physiology: Guy CALJON (University of Antwerp, Belgium)

– Cell Biology and Metabolism: Dolorez GONZALEZ PACANOWSKA (Instituto de Parasitología y Biomedicina, Granada, Spain)

– Genetics and Evolution: Virginie ROUGERON (IRD, Montpellier, France)

In addition to these talk sessions, a poster session will take place on Monday late afternoon and accompanied by a cocktail. As usual, the conference diner will be organized in a Parisian restaurant.

This 6th edition of the Trypanosomatid Parasites Meeting benefits from direct financial supports from Sanofi and the Institut Pasteur for the organisation. Thanks to our sponsors, registration is free and includes full access to all the conference sessions, coffee breaks, lunches and the cocktail during the poster session. Only the conference diner will be charged to attendees. However, registration is mandatory.

We strongly encourage PhD students and post-docs to present their recent work to the community. A detailed program of the event will be available early in October 2019.

More information here

Trypanosomatid Parasites Meeting VI: From the lab to the field