Applications of Next-Generation Sequencing to the study of EMERGING AND NEGLECTED HUMAN AND ANIMAL DISEASES

October 21-25, 2019. Buenos Aires Argentina.

NGS technologies offer the possibility to reveal the diversity of microbial populations resulting from host and/or vector interactions in an unprecedented way. The Training will address the needs of young researchers to handle large volume of data in order to improve their ability to understand how microbes, pathogenic or not, are shaped by environmental variables and host and vector coevolution processes.
Participating trainees will have the opportunity to receive up to date information in the area of genomics and bioinformatics, with a focus on emergent and neglected diseases that affect humans and animals in the framework of One Health. Lecturers are world-class experts in the areas of NGS data handling, microbial genomics and theoretical models for epidemiology. The program will include hands-on practical exercises with real data from sequencing projects on emergent and neglected microbial pathogens.


Curso: NGS aplicado a enfermedades emergentes y desatendidas